Monday 3.23.20 Yay!

Yay! It's Monday! I hope everyone had a good weekend. You surely are wondering what fun educational delights I have in store for you!

A slice of apple pie is $2.50 in Jamaica and $3.00 in the Bahamas. 
These are the pie-rates of the Caribbean... thank you ... I'll be here all week. 


3:00 pm I will be reading Dr. Doolittle. Log into our zoom chat at 3:00pm to listen to the thrilling tales of the Dr., Dab-Dab, Jip, Gub-Gub and the Pushmi-Pulyu!

On this Monday:

  9:30 am Morning Meeting - join in the Zoom chat!
10:00 am it's time for math! I will be meeting with the Mighty Mathematicians after our Morning Meeting (you just stay in the chat).

10:30/11:00 am You should spend a little time on your vocabulary and spelling. I have posted it as a .jpg but will send out a pdf via email.

Movement today: it looks dark and grey outside so maybe it's time to do some Just Dance! Do you own rock band? You could work on your drum skills! Or 'guitar' skills!

Life Skills: Make your bed. Is it already made? Well time to practice! Nothing says fun like unmaking and remaking your bed! Also it's a good way to kill half an hour.

Read aloud: Number the Stars: make sure you read chapter 8 and got the two pages done. If you have a parent to read with, you can read chapter 9.


3:00 pm I will be reading Dr. Doolittle. Log into our zoom chat at 3:00pm to listen to the thrilling tales of the Dr., Dab-Dab, Jip, Gub-Gub and the Pushmi-Pulyu!

Have a great day Turtles!


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