6.2.20 Tuesday

Good morning! 

I got a pair of gloves the other day and they both are left hand gloves. 
One one hand, that's great. On the other hand, it's not right.

Tomorrow there is no morning meeting. Please look for the links I will send for our field trip!

  9:45 We are going to play a salamander game. It's a little tricky, because you will think you have the solution, but it's harder than that! Cut out the salamanders (one is already on the board) and then place them so that none are in a row. THIS IS NOT A GAME FOR GLUE. No glue. When you think it's done, have a parent check you. Salamanders may not be more than one in a row, column or diagonal line.

10:30 We will be having science. I sent a list, you will need a raw egg and your favorite beverage. and a cup. Also a safe place to store you egg.

Make sure you play word games today. It's helpful for your spelling.

It's Tuesday time to learn a cooking thing: Alton Brown and Grilled Cheese

1:00 For DEAR today, please find ANYONE to read with. Mom, sibling, dog, a plant... whoever. Remember to log your reading. Please send me your logs.

Make sure you are writing, or doing your grammar. One of the two, you do need to send it to me. You can write about anything. If you choose to write you need to do that for 30 minutes.

3:00 There is social studies today.

Keep it up my turtles! We have 9 days to go!

Today's the day.


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